Rhinoptera steindachneri
Golden Cownose Ray
Conservation status
Near threatened.
Categories and criteria of the IUCN Red List:
Fun facts
It frequently forms schools, and sometimes associates with another ray called Hook-Billed Kite.
Only the left ovary and uterus are functional in females. In fact, they have few offspring, just one embroyo per female a year.
General aspects
It has a diamond shape, with its head noticeably protruding from its disk; its tail is slim, with smooth skin. It is of a pale, yellowish-brown color, with a white belly and black tail.
It lives on soft seabeds, close to rocky or coral reefs and coastal lagoons, and occasionally, close to the surface. It can jump out of the water.
It feeds on crustaceans on the seabed and mollusks.